The one thing that most people know about cats is that they’re curious. As an owner, it’s up to you to get rid of potential dangers so that your cat’s curiosity doesn’t get the best of her. This article will go over the basics of cat proofing your home to keep your kitty safe.
9 Tips to Keep Your Cat Safe at Home
Virtually every single household has an assortment of chemicals used for cleaning and other purposes. You’ll definitely want to keep them out of your cat’s reach. Ideally, you will keep them in a locked cabinet since it’s difficult to find a cabinet that your cat isn’t agile enough to reach if she wants.
The kitchen and bathroom are two of the most common places to find household cleaners and other chemicals. Your garage would have some pretty nasty stuff for your cat to get into also, particularly antifreeze. It’s best to keep your cat out of there entirely, but keep all fuels and other chemicals stored away securely.
Cat owners can’t have just any type of plant in their homes. Certain varieties can be quite harmful to your cat. She wouldn’t know to avoid nibbling on these plants and something bad could easily happen. You’ll want to avoid having lilies, azaleas, and tulips in your home. Don’t let your cat roam around in your yard if you have English Ivy either since it’s also toxic to cats. You can check a detailed list of plants that are toxic and non-toxic for cats provided by the ASPCA here.
When looking to cat proof your home, you also need to worry about keeping them from getting electrocuted. You can decrease the risk of this happening dramatically by covering up any electrical outlets that you aren’t using. Cats can get shocked if they stick their tongue in the outlet.
It will be a bit harder dealing with all of the electrical wires you have lying around your home. The best thing you can do is try to hide them away as best you can. Many owners keep their electrical cords bundled together and hidden away to keep their cats from trying to play with them. Biting through these cords can lead to a nasty shock. Also, you don’t want your cat to play around with the cord and knock down a lamp or something onto herself.
Every home has at least one danger spot in regards to water, particularly for smaller felines. If you keep the lid up on your toilets, don’t be surprised if your kitty takes a sip from them. Smaller cats may end up falling into the toilet and drowning if you allow this though. Therefore, it’s best to keep the lids down on all toilets, at least until your cat grows up a bit.
Washers and Dryers
If you have a washing machine and dryer like millions of other people, then you need to make sure you check it before operating it each and every time. Your cat will find either one a nice place to take a nap. The problem is that they can get injured severely whenever one starts operating while they’re in it.
They can suffer bruising and other types of trauma from either machine. Burns and even heat stroke can occur if they get caught in a dryer while it’s operating. Not only is drowning a concern for the washer, but they may also swallow water which will end up in the lungs which can lead to aspiration pneumonia.
Medications should also be addressed when it comes to cat proofing your home. It’s best to keep all of your medications locked away in a cabinet. Never leave them lying around where your curious cat can come across them. If she manages to open one of the bottles, it definitely wouldn’t be good. Kittens can die simply by eating just one pill of ibuprofen for example.
Choking Hazards
There are tons of potential choking hazards for your cat around your home. Basically, anything small can be swallowed and lead to choking. You’ll want to avoid leaving certain objects lying around in particular like rubber bands, paper clips, and needles. I know it’s cute to see cats playing with a ball of string. Just be careful that the string isn’t ingested as it can lead to serious gastrointestinal issues.
It seems like most cats enjoy a good perch in a window. They get to bask in warm sunlight while enjoying all of the other creatures outside, all from the safety of their home. During the summer months while you have the windows open, make sure that the screens are still intact so that your cat doesn’t escape outside.
The cords attached to window blinds can also present danger for your cat. They love to play with the string and swing it back and forth. Most of these cords form a loop though, a loop that can get caught around your cat’s neck and strangle her. If you don’t mind your cat playing with these strings, be safe and cut them so that they’re separated and don’t form a loop. Otherwise, you’ll need to keep them tied and hidden away near the top of the window.
Cats will dig around in your garbage. This is behavior you shouldn’t allow however. Rotten food isn’t good for your cat’s digestive system and can end up causing sickness or poisoning. If your cat eats bones found in the trash, they could end up splintering and also causing intestinal issues.
These are just some of the many dangers that your home can pose to your cat. There are many different areas that you have to address when it comes to cat proofing your home properly. Do a complete walk-through of your home and take care of any issues that could possibly cause harm to your at. It’s always better safe than sorry.