Do Domestic ShortHair Cats Shed?

A domestic shorthair cat is one originating from a mixed breed type with short hair. They are the most common of household cats and are also known as tabby and house cats.

Their coats vary in color, and their size and shape can range in size. Because of their varied gene pool, they are much less prone to genetic dispositions compared with purebred cats. 

Domestic short-haired cat – Wikipedia

Unless one was to own a hairless cat, there really is no such thing as a cat that doesn’t shed. Of course, some shed more than others, it just depends upon the breed.

A hairless cat is not always free from hair. Most have a thin covering of peach fuzz that will shed minimally.

However, there are a few types of hairless cats that are completely bald, such as the Elf cat. All hairless types of cats need extra care, as in the summer, they can burn quickly, and don’t retain heat in colder temperatures, either most other cats do.

Domestic short-haired cats have a single coat which does shed, but can be easily maintained with proper grooming.

Reasons Cats Shed

Cat hair is forever growing and being replaced with new hair, which mostly causes normal shedding.

If your cat seems to shed excessively, there could be other reasons:

Poor diet

If everywhere you look, you find cat hair, it could result from a diet lacking in protein and fat. Cat’s need a diet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 for optimal health of their coat.

Look for food containing protein, fat, and omega fatty acids listed in that order. 


Stress has a tremendous impact on a cat’s overall health.

When a cat feels anxious and stressed, they lose more hair. The hair will eventually grow back, although it may take time.

Cats have different tolerance levels for stress and could be from something as simple as a dog barking down the street to noisy visitors. 


This disease occurs in cats when the thyroid gland produces too many of the hormones called T3 and T4. It can occur in both male and female cats, but is typically found in middle-aged and older cats.

Symptoms can vary, but one common symptom is hair loss. 

Hyperthyroidism in Cats (


This is a highly contagious fungal infection of the skin. A cat can easily contract this infection by simply touching another animal that has it.

Red scaly patches on the skin can cause hair loss to characterize it, and the patches are usually itchy. You will need a trip to the vet for the proper antifungal medication.


Just like humans, cats can also have allergies. The symptom most associated with allergies in cats is itchy skin. Allergies usually develop between six months and three years, but older cats can develop allergies as well.

Fleas, mosquito bites, food, and toxins cause common allergies in cats. If left untreated, some allergies can cause hair loss because of excessive scratching of an infected area. 

What’s The Best Way To Care For A Shedding Cat

Although it may seem like you are always vacuuming and cleaning up unwanted hair, shedding is a natural process for cats.

There are a few things you can do to minimize the amount of hair that falls throughout your home. 


Brushing your cat’s coat on a biweekly basis will help remove the loose hair which would otherwise fall to the floor or rub off onto furniture and other surfaces.

Your cat will most likely enjoy the feel of being brushed or combed as well.


Offer your cat a diet high in nutrients. Brands containing ingredients high in carbohydrates, soy, and corn are not as nutritious and in some cats can lead to food allergies. 

Maintain your cats’ weight

Cats that are overweight can have a hard time grooming themselves leading to hair loss. 

Purchase a cat bed

If you prefer to keep your pet off of your furniture try getting it a cat bed. This will help with the amount of fur found all over the furniture and reduce the time to clean.

Place your cat’s favorite blanket or a towel inside the bed if your cat seems hesitant in using it. 

How To Deal With Allergies with Cat Furs?

Okay, so you brought a cat into your home, and suddenly one day you find out that you have developed an allergy. Re-homing the cat is not an option as you have probably fallen in love with it by now.

So.. what do you do? Here are a few tips.


Check with your doctor first before purchasing any allergy reliever. There are many options available, but your doctor will help in determining which one is best for you based on your medical history.

Air purifier

Because it’s actually the dander and not the hair that causes allergies, an air purifier is a great way to lessen the effects of an allergy. They help in reducing dust and allergens floating around in the air. 


Just what you wanted to hear. Clean surfaces that your cat comes into contact with regularly. This would include floors, bedding, furniture, and even curtains.

Wash your hands more often

 Wash your hands after petting or refrain from touching your nose, mouth, and especially your eyes. Try to limit close contact and have a sticky brush handy afterward.

Limit personal areas

Perhaps it’s time to shut your bedroom door at night to avoid your cat from sleeping with you on the bed.

It will seem disheartening at first, but both you and your cat will soon get used to it, and you will feel much better in the morning without red, itchy eyes.

Final Thought

Shedding is common in the short-haired domestic cat. You may find that your cat sheds more in the spring and again in the fall. This is referred to as seasonal shedding and is perfectly normal.

With proper grooming and care of your cat’s health, you can maintain shedding making the prospect of living with your cat more enjoyable. 

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