Do British Blue Kittens Eyes Change Color?

At one point, all British Shorthairs were tabbies. The British Blue, also known as the British Shorthair, results from the mating between the Russian Blue and the British Shorthair, giving the British Blues coat the most common coloration of a blueish-grey.

Although this remains the most usual color found in these cats, there are other patterns and colors such as tabby and colorpoint.

A British Blue cat has coppery orange-colored eyes but may vary depending on the color of its coat. Like all kitten breeds, when they are first born they will have blue eyes, which can be seen around the two-week mark. 

British Shorthair – Wikipedia

The Development Of The British Blue

All kittens are born with their eyes closed. The mother cat will clean their eyes and boost their immunity to illnesses such as conjunctivitis and other serious eye infections through nursing.

In their first week of life, not only are they unable to hear, they are also blind. They can smell and taste, and with their sense of touch are able to latch on to mom when it is time for feeding.

By the second week, they will most likely have doubled in weight, have baby teeth erupting and their eyes should open.

By the time, they are between three and four weeks old, their little ears will be upright, they will develop their hearing, and their canine teeth are visible. The mother cat may start the weaning process by the time her kittens are between five and six weeks old.

Their eyesight is fully developed by the end of the sixth week. It is around the eighth week of life that their eye color slowly changes. 

Eye Color

The eye color on a British Blue kitten will change, except for those whose eyes will remain blue into adulthood. This will usually depend on the color of their coat.

The chemical substance responsible for the change in eye color is referred to as melanin pigment. The color of the British Blues coat and eyes depend on the level of pigment produced by the body and their genes.

A cat that develops blue eyes into adulthood results from having no pigment in the irises of their eyes. Melanin is present in the skin as well, so you would think: the darker their coat is, the darker the eyes will be, and typically that’s the case, but not always.

Melanin reacts differently in the skin and fur as opposed to that of the melanin produced in the eyes. 

You should see the eye color in a British Blue kitten change from blue to orange between eight and twelve weeks of age. Don’t be too concerned if it doesn’t happen at this stage.

Some British Blue kittens take as long as nine to twelve months to develop their eye color, with some of them turning from blue to brown, and then to the famous amber-orange color. 

What If My British Blue Kittens Eyes Don’t Change Color?

Some kittens take longer than others for the color of their eyes to fully develop. Usually, by three months you will see some sort of change, and longer in some cases. You may just have a pure British Blue with blue eyes. Their coat color usually suggests the color of their eyes, but not always. 

Can I Find A British Blue With An Eye Color That Won’t Change?

Consult with an experienced breeder if you are looking for specific eye color. The color point British Shorthair kitten is a wonderful choice if you want one with blue eyes.

Like all kittens, they will have blue eyes at birth and will remain that color throughout adulthood. Below is a list of varied British Shorthair eye colors coinciding with their coat color.

  • Black and blue = orange, amber or gold eyes
  • Chocolate and lilac = orange, amber or gold eyes
  • Cinnamon and fawn = orange, amber or gold eyes
  • Red and beige = orange, amber or gold eyes
  • Colourpoint = blue eyes (Blue eyes at birth and into adulthood)
  • Silver tabby = green eyes, hazel eyes, orange, amber or gold eyes
  • Silver shaded = green eyes
  • Golden shaded = green eyes
  • Copper shaded = green eyes 
  • White = green, blue or orange eyes (Blue eyes at birth but may change to green or orange, or stay blue)

What Does The Eye Color Signify?

The eye color in British Blue will not determine its personality. Eye color is just a preference for some owners, especially if they want to enter their breed into shows.

Most experienced breeders will know the role in which genetics play and will direct you as to the best choice when choosing a kitten.

What Does It Mean If The Eyes On My Adult British Blue Change Color?

The British Blue or the British Shorthair’s eye color should not change color when they are in adulthood. Once they have changed color, usually around two months of age, they should remain that color.

Color change in adults could suggest an eye disorder, such as cataracts or glaucoma. It could also indicate an infection.

Either way, prompt medical attention is necessary as most eye conditions can be treated if discovered early. Changing eye color can also suggest other medical conditions such as:


Inflammation of the eye, usually caused by trauma, bacteria, viral diseases, tumors, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Symptoms can include squint and redness of the eye. 

Portosystemic Liver Shunt

This can be inherited at birth or acquired later in adulthood. It results in an abnormal flow of blood to and within the liver. Symptoms can include vomiting and loss of weight. The treatment for this condition is usually surgery.

The portosystemic liver shunt can lead to hepatic encephalopathy, in which the function of the brain cells can no longer function properly causing seizures, drooling, and tremors. 

Final Thought

British Blue cats are one of the most adorable cats around in my opinion. As mentioned earlier, eye color has no effect on their personality, it’s truly just a preference. Hopefully, you’ve found this article informative, and it relieves any concerns you may have had. 

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