What to Do About Your Cat Spraying in the House

Spraying is definitely a behavior that owners will want to address as soon as possible. Your cat will keep doing it if not, not to mention the scent that it leaves behind. Typically, cats will stand up with their back against a vertical surface and spray urine. Squatting while dispensing urine is also common.

What to Do About Your Cat Spraying in the House

Cat spraying in the house occurs for a variety of reasons. Male cats in particular who are un-neutered will spray to mark their territory. Females that aren’t fixed can sometimes exhibit this behavior also. To prevent this from becoming a problem, owners should have their cats spayed or neutered before they turn six months old.

Strange felines that your cat sees as threats may also cause male cat spraying. In this scenario, your cat would spray their urine near a window or door since they see that as an entrance to their territory. Keeping the blinds or curtains closed on the windows can help prevent your cat from seeing these supposed outside threats. Don’t encourage them to come around either by putting food or water out for them.

Apparent outside threats aren’t the only cause for cats getting stressed out. They can become stressed or anxious for a variety of reasons. If you don’t see a concrete cause for the anxiety, one option is to consider using synthetic pheromones which can help him calm. They are available in diffusers, sprays, or even as a collar you can put around our cat’s neck.

Spraying may also be attributed to your cat’s need for attention. Although felines have a reputation for being lonesome, they are loving and like contact with their owners. Spending time with your cat in addition to providing toys to help when you’re not around is a good idea.

Most owners are aware that cats like to keep themselves and their spaces clean. It’s imperative that you keep the litter box managed properly. Your cat may start going outside of the box if you don’t. You should also know that the condition of the box isn’t the only factor. Also consider where the box is placed as well as the type of litter that’s used if your cat doesn’t seem interested in using it.

Owners of multiple cats may also have to deal with cats spraying in the house. A more aggressive feline can discourage others from using resources like food bowls and litter boxes. With no other options, the more timid feline may start going outside of the box.

Sometimes, you may not even be aware that this behavior is happening. To cats, something as simple as a prolonged look can be seen as an act of aggression. Consider providing each cat with their own bowls and boxes if you think this may be the problem.

Unfortunately, sometimes medical issues cause cat spraying in the house. A urinary tract infection can cause a condition known as cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder. Bladder stones may also cause bathroom issues in cats.

If your cat does urinate somewhere else in your home, it’s important that you treat the area. Cats will keep coming back to it if you don’t. It will also start to smell, so use an enzymatic deodorizer to keep this from happening.

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