5 Of The Best Cat Litter Boxes For Traveling 2021

Traveling with a cat is never an easy feat. Cats like routine and predictability, which is why traveling with them, if not on a regular basis, is stressful for both the cat and the owner. When you face the inevitability of needing to travel with your furry friend, be it for a vacation, a trip […]

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House Training: Guide to the Cat Litter Box

What type and size of litter box should I buy ? Initially, the size of the litter box should be determined by the size of the kitten or cat. A very small kitten may need a box with shorter sides for easier access. As the kitten grows, a larger box is appropriate. When finished growing, […]

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Which Cat Litter Do You Need?

No one really likes to deal with cat litter but if you have a cat in your home, it’s a necessity. So, the question becomes, which cat litter do you need? Or which one is best for your situation? If you choose a cat litter that your cat doesn’t like, he probably won’t use it […]

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How To Choose A Cat Tree

Does your cat like to climb? My cats have always loved to leap from one high place to another. They love to perch up above everything, surveying everything below. Before cat trees were so popular, they would leap on top of  bookshelves, the fireplace mantel, or the piano. They would also claw the furniture and […]

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How To Buy Kitten Food

Do you have a new kitten? Wondering what to feed her? We can help you choose a good kitten food to buy. Kittens grow super fast in the first few weeks of life. Fortunately, there are a lot of good kitten foods available. But, how do you choose which one to buy? Companies make so […]

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5 Best Dust Free Cat Litters To Buy 2021

In this article we’ll discuss the best dust free cat litters for cats. We will also consider features of some of these litters such as odor control, clumping litters, and the best litter for multi-cat homes. Introduction If you have a cat then you know that one of your biggest chores is providing a nice […]

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A Great Way to Litter Cleaning and Maintenance?

Cats are clean and fastidious animals. They don’t like a smelly, messy litter box, anymore than one would like using an un-flushed toilet. In fact they’d rather “go” outside. It’s possible they’ll be healthier with this method too. Cats’ origins are arid, desert, environments, thus the burying of feces in sandy, loose, soil ( like litter […]

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Best Cat Trees for Big Cats 2021

Introduction With so many cats living indoors today, it can be hard for a kitty to get all of the exercise he needs! Big cats are common today and some of these cats need a way to climb and exercise. Cat trees are a great way for your big cat to burn some energy, sharpen […]

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Cats Questions and Answers

Though they have lived with us for thousands of years, cats remain a mystery. Compared to dogs, most people know much less about cats. Even people who live with a cat often don’t understand their behavior and have questions about why they do things and basic care. Below you will find some of the most […]

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