Cat Claw Care – Everything Owners Need to Know

Cat claws, which are usually retracted within their sheathes, are very versatile. They bring them out when they need to grip or climb something, or when they feel the need to defend themselves. They continuously grow. This is why cats are always scratching on hard objects to help get rid of the outer layers.

Cat Declawing

Cat Declawing

Cats prefer wooden objects, which is why your furniture is in danger of getting scratched up. To prevent this, you can provide toys like scratching posts to attract their attention. To ensure that they make use of these toys instead of your furniture, put some catnip on them.

Owners need to get used to the task of clipping their cat’s nails approximately every two weeks. Needless to say, this can be a challenging and potentially dangerous affair. It’s definitely best to get your cat used to this process while they’re still young and will grow to get used to it.

It’s best not to use clippers that are designed for human nails. There are special clippers designed for kitties. As an alternative, you can use a pair of sharp nail scissors. Before you start clipping the nails, it’s vital that you understand exactly how they’re designed.

In the middle of the nail is a collection of nerves and blood vessels. This pink are is called the quick. It is super sensitive and will cause your cat a great deal of pain if you snip it. The white part of the claw is where you’ll want to trim. Make use of a good light source to be sure exactly where you are cutting.

Accidents do happen however. It’s best to be prepared just in case you do happen to cut the quick. Have some styptic powder on hand so you can quickly put a stop to the bleeding. If you don’t have any of that, you can use cornstarch or flour as an alternative.

Having their claws handled isn’t necessarily a particularly pleasant experience for most cats. Therefore, putting them in a nice environment will help avoid any distractions. It’s best to do it in a nice, quiet room. If you cat is upset or agitated, it’s best to wait until another time. To really make things easier, you can wrap your cat up in a towel and just have one of the legs that you’re working with sticking out.

As mentioned, cats don’t particularly enjoy this process. Don’t get frustrated at their frustration and start yelling. This will only make the problem worse. Have some treats on standby to reward god behavior though.

Clipping your cat’s claws is a good time to inspect them, something that should also be done on a regular basis anyway. Make sure they haven’t picked up any loose debris or suffered any abrasions or cats. Make sure that you check for any signs of infection also. Obviously, a vet visit is in order if you see signs of one.

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