Caring for the ?Wild? Bengal Kittens

Bengal cats are cats with a “wild” look but have a very domesticated attitude. They are playful and very loyal to their owners. Though these cats may seem tough and hardy, as kittens, they still require care.

Caring for the Bengal Kittens

Bengal Kittens

How to care for a Bengal kitten

Your pet will still depend on you for food, shelter, and love. Taking care of your Bengal kitten will not be that difficult.

When you have a new Bengal kitten in your home, you will need to consult a veterinarian for the food you should feed it. Kittens are prone to sickness during their first six months. If your kitten is still less than six weeks old, you will have to ask your vet about the food you can feed it. Kittens this age have very sensitive stomachs and may suffer from diarrhea if not feed the proper food.

Kittens tend to overeat. They have big eyes, yet small stomachs. So feed them moderately. You can feed them three to four times daily while less than six months of age. After six months, you can increase the serving for each meal then reducing feeding to about two to three times a day.

Make sure there is always fresh water for your kitten to drink. Cats can be easily dehydrated. So make sure they have access to clean water at all times. When your Bengal kitten reaches one year, you can now switch to adult cat food. Do not feed them table scraps or dog food. Cat food is specially formulated for the digestive system of cats. Feeding them others may cause some health problems.

Never feed your kitten bones. These bones can get caught in their throats or perforate their stomachs and intestines. Perforation of their digestive tract is a very dangerous situation.

If you let your cat outdoors, make sure it has an identification tag on a kitten collar. The ID tag should contain your address and contact number so that when kitty gets lost, who ever finds it can contact you immediately.

Bengal cats are very active. You should have some cat toys around your house for it to play around. You can trim your kitten’s claws so that when playing with it will not cause scratches or wounds to your hands.

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